The real conversation we need to have with people who want to start a business - with Jason Connell


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This time I got to interview someone truly exceptional - Jason Connell. He is a writer, speaker, and former magician. He writes about leadership, personal development, self-compassion, and finding the courage to truly live while you’re alive.

He’s also one of my business role models, a handful of people whose work I routinely share, and whose approach to life and business I truly admire. His outlook on life is where I want to be when my business is all grown up.

We talk about systems vs. self-care, about the responsibility of being a thought leader, and about the real conversations we need to have with beginner entrepreneurs. I think you'd love this episode - it's one of those conversations that stay with you for a long time.


We talk about 

  • The emotional price of entrepreneurship.

  • Jason’s vision for “Spa for Mental Health” and why we as a society desperately need to invest in our emotional fitness.

  • Is “fronting” a really necessary skill when you run your own business?

  • The outsized perception of success being inevitable if you only work hard enough.

  • How do you keep sane when the storm is happening around you? – Both Jason and I are sharing deeply personal experiences of pain and recovery.

  • I ask Jason about his own systems and rituals but we end up talking about self-care. Jason talks about a few key things to “tip the scale in your favor” helping us produce good work and keep sane and maybe even happy. He describes his own, and encourages us to find what works for us.

Jason on his systems and rituals (or, more precisely, his self-care practices)

What I think anyone should do is figure out three-four self care things that would do the heavy lifting for them. For me it’s meditation, journaling, and – when I can get away with it – sleeping for 8 or 9 hours. And then build your day to fit in everything that can tip the scale in your favor

On being a thought leader:

We live in a world where anybody with a passable marketing acumen can present themselves a thought leader. And I realized that a responsible thing for me to do if I really want to help people and their relationships was to actually become an authentic expert – with credentials, with training, and mentorships.


Putting yourself back together: guidance for when your life collapses  
The truth about entrepreneurship
Permission to dream small



"We are living in a gig economy, with entrepreneurs being our cultural heroes. More and more people are choosing entrepreneurship and going through the rollercoaster that’s an inevitable companion of running your own thing. That means we NEED, as a society and as individuals, to invest in our mental and emotional fitness".


About Jason:

Jason Connell. He is a writer, speaker, and former magician. He writes about leadership, personal development, self-compassion, and finding the courage to truly live while you’re alive.

You can find Jason on  his website