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You are on the brink of a huge growth spurt. Or maybe smack in the middle of it already. Exhilarating as growth can be, you find yourself constantly putting fires out, barely able to maintain control over this mad flight. 

If only there were more hours in the day, or fewer "urgents", pulling you in a million different directions!

During the Big Leap program we'll make it easy for you to navigate this new and bigger ship your business has become.

Here is how it works:
After a thorough Assessment of your business needs, we'll focus on the systems that need streamlining, and in some cases we will create new systems that fit the bigger business you're becoming.  Rather than being a roadblock, the Operations of your venture should (and would!) be the engine of your growth.

Here are some examples of systems you can expect to see in place after a 6-month program:

  • Financial System and Dashboard. Manage all your revenue streams and expenses in one place, with ease and clarity.
  • Project management and Delegation System. Soaring productivity for you and your team!
  • Complete Client Care System. Ensure your customers are best cared for every single time, without you re-inventing the wheel.
  •  Many more, customized to your business and personality needs

THE COST:   $4800. Visa, Amex, PayPal, or Dwolla are all accepted. Talk to me if you'd like a payment plan.



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This program consists of individual sessions and a good amount of homework on your part as well as on mine. We'll work in three phases:

  • Intensive Setup, when we do the assessment and put most of the essential STRUCTURE in place. It's called "Intensive" for a reason - we'll be spending 15 hours together over the course of 3 or 5 weeks, depending on your schedule.
  • Training and Troubleshooting - when you and your staff are going to learn to implement the systems you now have, fix issues that might come up along the way, and ensure the tools you have are custom-tailored to your personality and to the DNA of your company. During this 6-week long phase we'll be having two-hour weekly sessions.
  • Habit-Forming: This is when you really start feeling the difference! Training is great and all, but without creating good, sustainable habits it's... pointless. The Habit-Forming phase is designed to ensure you'll be using your new systems effectively, making your business soar. A weekly hour together over the course of 16 more weeks, will help you leave my hands fully equipped to run your company from a place of relaxed control.

We'll hold our session over Skype, Google Hangout, GoToMeeting, or any other program you use for videoconferencing. If you're local to Boston area, we can even meet in person!  
Sounds good? Contact me!